Hi From Red Door Interactive in San Diego, CA
Macguyver Pants has earthquake protocol down pat.
Baby steps, coworkers. May these submissions be inspirational to your attempts to fit peeps under your desk. I'm not changing the Weekly Assignment until I see some more enthusiasm here!
Macguyver Pants has earthquake protocol down pat.
Baby steps, coworkers. May these submissions be inspirational to your attempts to fit peeps under your desk. I'm not changing the Weekly Assignment until I see some more enthusiasm here!
you dont look like you could fit much else under there with ya!! (nice necklace ;) )
How about: Take a picture of your baby at work, in her normal office attire. (baby sailors take note!)
Ummm I have to protest on this particular assignment because I am working in an area that is in between a storage closet and an office so, yeah, the maintenance staff really don't come in here except to take out the garbage. (And because I only work half the week they sometimes forget about that!) So, as much as I want to do the challenge, I am in no way crawling around on that floor that has not been mopped in at least six months unless it involves fixing the computer and, even then, I'll probably sweet talk one of the boys into it.
New challenge! (And, no, I am not a team player. That is one reason I am in solitary right now, though management does occasionally drop by to borrow the tiny "conference area" jammed in with me. Oh, and I get to see people visiting the fridge/microwave, but that is not nearly so exciting.)
So the most people that can be fit under a desk is 2? Good to know.
For a behind the scenes look at the Red Door sumbission, we made a video:
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