Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Good afternoon, fellow Coworkers. We're presenting a new feature brought to you by the folks at Hi From Work: Weekly Assignments. Here's how it goes:

-We'll post the assignment for the week.
-You'll have a couple days to get your picture in. It must be relevant to the assignment, but of course we value creativity and like, out-of-the-box thinking.
-We'll put all the pics up in one gigantic and dazzling post.
-You'll get to vote on the submissions for another couple days.
-We'll announce the winner and reward him/her/them accordingly.
-The fun starts all over again with a new assignment.

The first Weekly Assignment is:

Take A Picture Of Yourself In A Meeting, Without Letting On To The Other People In The Meeting That You Are Taking A Picture Of Yourself In A Meeting!

Here's an example to set you on the right path:

Got it? Now GO!
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1 comment:

Paul Phillip said...

i like the theme of your blog. sadly i can't take pics because i'm in a restricted military space.

do you get a lot of hits? i'm just curious. i'll try to get a pic on the boat.

cheers, Me.